Friday, April 20, 2007

Ward Park Planning Meeting

Next Thursday April 26, there will be a community meeting to discuss possible plans for an off-leash dog area at Ward Park.

If the response is good, this would be an area in addition to the ever-delayed Swift Run park. Sounds good, but you'll understand that I am a bit skeptical.

You see, this is exactly the kind of meeting that was held at Bryant Elementary almost a year ago to discuss plans for Swift Run. The response at that meeting was overwhelmingly positive and it was there that we were promised a dog park by Fall 2006, no later than Spring 2007.

We at arbordog will certainly be at the Ward Park Meeting and we will be asking for assurances that this plan will be implemented immediately. The more people who come and support the plan, the more likely it is to become reality. The more people who speak to the urgency of the problem and voice their skepticism with long-term "maybe sorta" plans, the more likely immediate action is to be taken.

So come out and let your voice be heard if you can.

Community Meeting for Planning Ward Park Off-Leash Area
Thursday, April 26 7:00 PM
Ann Arbor Church of Christ
2500 South Main Street

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