Friday, June 1, 2007

Point of Reference

The average annual property tax paid by a homeowner in Ann Arbor is $5,520 based on an average home value of $230,000*.

I find this interesting considering the amount the city is willing to provide for the community dog run program. In addition to being less than a third of the city's in-house estimates for what this project will cost, the $5,000 that they are willing to provide is less than the average property taxes paid by a single home in a single year in Ann Arbor.

I'm looking for information on how many dogs or dog-owning households are in Ann Arbor (out of town at the moment, sporadic research/posting). I'll let you know as soon as I find out how many of us there are, but it is clear that we have paid more than enough into the Parks budget to provide the services we have been promised for a decade now.

We have paid our share, we have waited patiently, we have offered constructive voices. It is time for the city to live up to its responsibilities.

*(These statistics came from here and are unsourced, but based on what I pay and what my home is worth, this seems pretty accurate. I know it's an unusual source, but it's the best I could find quickly).


Glenn Thompson said...

I would like to call your attention to resolution DS2 on the June 4 Council agenda. This authorizes spending $100,000 for a consultant to provide construction drawings for a $1,000,000 modification to the Ann Arbor Farmers Market. Approximately 1/3 of the money for both contracts will come from Parks funds. another 1/3 will come from the DDA. The DDA funds are tax money and could also be used for a dog park, but only in the downtown area.

Our group, Friends of the Market, has opposed the proposed modifications. At best they are unnecessary, at worst they may detrimental the Market. In the many Council and PAC meetings I have attended I have heard many citizens request a dog park. I have heard many oppose the Market modifications, but I do not think I have ever heard a citizen request the Farmers Market be changed.

I urge all to speak or email the mayor and council that you wish a dog park, not a $1,000,000 gazebo in the Market. This is not a matter of available money, it is a matter of where the mayor and council wish to spend it.

arbordog said...

Thank you for this information. I have heard a tiny bit about the market rennovations and I knew that many people feel that they amount to tearing up trees just to replant them in slightly different locations. Unfortunately I'm not as tuned in to the Market project as I might be, so this is very helpful. This will certainly be something that I bring up in future conversations.